Vidmate v4.6.3

VidMateDo you want to watch videos online and entertain yourself? If you are willing to, then you really need to download the app called Vidmate today. Yes, this app is all about downloading and watching videos from different platforms online. It will be free of cost and indeed, it will be one of the best app for sure. There are many things which makes this app special and today, let us read some of them here. But before that, let us click on continue reading and read the features of the app followed by the downloading process as well. Let’s click and read the features of Vidmate. Continue reading “Vidmate v4.6.3”

Vidmate v4.5.7

VidMateVidmate App provides its users speedy media downloads online. This app is amazing as it lets its users to download movies, music and all videos to their phone or on their desktop in just a few clicks. Vidmate supports more than 1000 websites these websites includes Facebook, YouTube, and Tumblr. This software let you download videos even from such websites which do not support streaming. The download process is just as simple as its interface as one can complete downloading in just few clicks. This app lets you download media in Vidmate app instantly. Users can convert downloaded videos to various supported formats which makes it’s an ideal media downloader tool. You can choose the quality of the media you are downloading so this prevents any quality loss of your video content or music. Vidmate app is compatible with Android devices and Windows PC using emulators. Vidmate promises its user’s convenience, flexibility and quality downloads.

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Vidmate v4.5.6

VidMateVidmate is a downloading platform where you can find video of your choice and can download it to watch it offline. The app supports downloading videos from popular video streaming websites like YouTube. You can stream its videos on Vidmate and can download them in a single click. The app comes for free of cost. So users would not need to pay any kind of fees to subscribe this app. Also, the app is available on all devices so that everyone can use it comfortably. This app can help you in getting all type of videos available at one place.  Continue reading “Vidmate v4.5.6”

Vidmate v4.5.4

VidMateNowadays, most of us, after a grilling day at work, prefer being couch potatoes. For people like us, who prefer to not stand in lines and watch from the comfort of our blankets, online streaming platforms have been released in the recent years. One such platform is Vidmate, which allows users the stream content online, from a wide range of devices. This software allows its users to stream a wide range of movies and TV shows, from any and every genre possible. It is very fast and extremely easy to use, which has resulted in its popularity over the years. The application is free of all cost, it is browser based (meaning that it requires an internet connection to function) and is open sourced. The software being open sourced posed some copyright issues, which have now been resolved, though this resulted in the app not being available on the play store.

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Vidmate v4.5.3

VidMateDo you like watching videos online? If yes, then why not to watch it over one app? Didn’t get me? I know that for watching videos, you surf different sites but it must be a tiring task as it takes a lot of time to surf the sites and watch different videos. But to make the work easier, you can also use the app called Vidmate here. The app is one of the best app for sure which works a good work. You can use it by watching videos over it. For using the app, you need to simply click and download the app first. After downloading the app, you need to then choose the video you want to stream and you can watch it as long as you want to.  Now suppose the videos you want to watch are big and you want to watch it offline, then you can also download them and watch them offline as well. It has an option of watching videos and downloading them too. If you want, you can share them as well.  Continue reading “Vidmate v4.5.3”

Vidmate v4.5.0

VidMateWatching videos is one of the most favorite things ever we all like doing because it keeps us feel fresh and awake. So today, let’s talk about the app which can make you feel better for sure. How? by showing you the videos online from different sites and app. Let us read more Continue reading “Vidmate v4.5.0”

Vidmate v4.4.89

VidMateVidmate app is the best choice to have in your device if you are a regular video streamer. The app would let you download the Videos from any of the site you want. The app would made all the videos available for you. You would have to download them and after which you can enjoy the offline. The app would allow you to choose from the categories it have for videos.  It streams all type of videos irrespective of their type. You can choose what to download and which resolution of the video you want to download.

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Vidmate v4.4.87

VidMateLooking to watch videos online from an app called Vidmate because here you will get to watch different videos online from different famous online channels and websites for free of cost? Well, if you are choosing this option, then you are opting for a right decision because Vidmate is truly an app you should use if you are a video watcher like us. But do you know about the app? The app does not make any video by their own as it hosts the videos from different online sites for free of cost. It is easy and a safe site. One good thing about the app is that it is available for Android users and it can be installed in any device for free of cost in very less space. It does not take a lot of space at all. It is free and less space needed app. Continue reading “Vidmate v4.4.87”